Wednesday, January 24, 2007

with conviction

My theory professor said that to him to understand theory you must write.

I resolve to be a better writer, a better student, and a better friend.

A better student means a better reader. Better at analyzing and contextualizing ideas. I will probably try to integrate/reflect on the theory I am learning in classes more on this blog. The theory parts have been lacking.


I am frustrated because I am .o6 off the gpa line for a research grant I want. I will talk to people and see if I can't remedy that (and by remedy I mean still apply for the research grant, I can't do anything about my GPA. Darn you chemistry!).

I also need to really push myself and prove myself in aforementioned theory class because everyone in that class is ridiculously intelligent and committed. I mean more so in my regular classes. Those people that always raise their hand and talk in class- about 20 of those people are in my seminar. I have to be one of those people.

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