Wednesday, August 09, 2006

State of Emergency

Well I was sitting on the idea that we were all going to Hell and it's the end of the world. I mean c'mon it was over 90 degrees in Berkeley in the summer? Earthquakes. Tsunami. Hurricanes. War. Everything.

But seriously-

This is the end of the world. I give you this as an example.

This is Nicole - please someone feed her - Richie.

This is what she looked like (aside from bad fashion choices- she looked good)

Ok I know we've all heard it before. Beauty industrial complex. Fashion's creation of superskinny perfection ideology. Hollywood and the rest of the media's influence on women's body types. But seriously women idolize this women and the only reason she's famous is for being famous. But I will not use this opportunity to bag on her (because we as women do that far too often for each other's good). And I say its the SYSTEM. The SYSTEM. This is ridiculous and tragic all at the same time.

And I hear people use this word now- "thinspiration". Yes that's right, anorexic people as inspiration. It makes me sick.

And to make it worse, photoshop can make anyone look beautiful. That's right the people you look at in magazines aren't real.

For your consideration-
(the one with the magazine- the box in the upper right hand corner)

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